Vanessa Proudman

  • SPARC Europe

Vanessa Proudman is Director of SPARC Europe, where she is working to make Open the default in Europe. Vanessa has 20 years of international experience working on Open Access, Open Science, Open Culture and Open Education with many leading universities and libraries worldwide from over 20 countries. Research and knowledge exchange are her vehicles to inform, connect and advocate for change in these areas: to increase international, national and regional policy-making and practice in Europe. Prior to SPARC Europe, she worked at Tilburg University on various international initiatives, was programme manager at Europeana and led a department on information and IT at a UN-European region research institute in Vienna for over 10 years.


  • A shared path to reforming rights retention in Europe

    Stichting IFLA Foundation Programme, in partnership with IFLA, LIBER and SPARC Europe are implementing a three-year Arcadia Foundation-funded programme to reform copyright laws and regulations that enable libraries to provide significantly improved access to and use of copyrighted works.

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