Markus Putnings
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
After completing his apprenticeship as a bookseller, Markus Putnings studied business informatics and worked in the e-books department in the “New Media” editorial department of a book publishing house. He later completed a library traineeship and has since worked at the university library of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) as head of the Open Access department and the Open Access publisher FAU University Press. He is active in various committees and associations, including the Knowledge Exchange Task & Finish Group “Small Publishers”, the AG Universitätsverlage and AEUP. Together with his FAU colleagues, he is responsible for the requirements analysis of publishers in the OA-APS project.
Automatic XML extraction from Word and formatting of e-book formats: Insight into the Open Source Academic Publishing Suite (OS-APS) project
The OA Diamond Journals Study has compiled a representative overview of Diamond Open Access journal operators in its “Part 1: Findings”. For example, 53% of journals are operated by less than 1 FTE, and 60% of journals rely heavily on volunteers. Due to these resource constraints, most Diamond Open Access journals publish less than 25 […]
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