Dóra Gaálné Kalydy

  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Dóra Gaálné Kalydy is the deputy director general of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, and a member of LIBER’s Citizen Science Working Group.

She is responsible for the daily works of the library, renewing of the traditional library services. She is also involved in the international relations of the Library and Information Centre. She participated in the LIBER Journées Programme in 2017.

She is an active member of the Association of Hungarian Librarians, head of the Academic and Special Libraries’ Section of the Association.


  • Citizen Science: strengthen the bridge between the academic community and the society

    INVITED SPEAKER Citizen Science as many other Open Science elements has a different understanding in Western Europe and Central-Eastern Europe (Ex-communist countries). Because of many reasons CS is not as well-known in our countries as in Western European countries, though there are more and more background supporting opportunities. The role of the libraries are appreciated […]

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